Wake up you fools
(too old to reply)
2015-07-08 16:34:28 UTC
Wake up you fools

UK is a Masonic police state (save this post for they keep deleting this info). Forward this to those you love.

So you think we've got it wrong about the masonic police?..... http://www.intmensorg.info/masonicpolice.htm

UK is a Masonic police state: take the Hollie Greig Case, masonic child abuse, pedophile rings..... http://www.henrymakow.com/holly_greig_for_dummies.html

or go here..... http://holliegreig.info

Then go here for the latest news (july 2015) on the continuing Hollie Greig masonic establishment cover-up..... http://www.ukcolumn.org/article/police-scotland-collaborate-google-censor-hollie-greig-abuse

Search online "Our son was murdered by the criminal freemasons" by Joe Stirling or go to.....

I am told the queen of crooks and her masonic family attend Church every week. I can assure you this is just a front to con the gullible. You can read the Beautiful Bible and what it teaches about the rich people (give up your wealth). The Masonic Police and Crown Office are primarily there to protect the masonic queen of crooks..... http://www.intmensorg.info/hermajesty.htm

God's clock, tick tock. Scottish thunderstorms. Ruach (Hebrew for Spirit) tells me that all nations need rain. Rolling Stones (not petty masonic lyrics) Time is on my side. You know who I Am.....
Brian Robertson 1961
2015-07-08 22:11:52 UTC
Joe Stirling is mentally ill, as these quotes prove:

"Convinced that the Masons are following him day and night, Joe shows
his level of maturity by referring to 'Freekmasons' and loves to be the
center of attention. He provides extensive information on how to foil
those who are following him and/or using a GPS system. From Glasgow,
Scotland, he's quite proud that he's 'making a difference' in the war
against Freemasonry. What? You've never heard of him? That's OK. We've
been tracking anti-Masons, including many 'bit-players' but he wasn't
even on our radar until he wrote to us begging to be noticed." [1]

"They have been controlling ALL of our communications, phone
calls/emails/ROYAL MAIL (totally infested with Masons) and that stops us
from progressing." [2]

"As you know, I have sent more than 30 serious articles to every MP and
newspapers in the UK" [3]

"First of all, write to your local lodge (via signed for letter), we
guarantee they will ignore you. Then do a Freedom of Information request
(via signed for letter). Then take your results to your Politician (ask
if he is a Mason). If you get nowhere, you now know for sure that
everything we say is true." [4]

"I have been persecuted, harmed, poisoned and attempted murder by my own
possessed family." [5]

"…I am not delusional, paranoid or suffer mental health." [5]

"Two years ago, I used to have a small caravan in my back garden to meet
with victims of the Pagan-Masons." [5]

"Message came to me on Sun eve (11th March 2012) that I was a "God" (I
rebuked this but was reassured about an hour later). Then, in the early
hours of Mon 12th, I awoke at approx. 4:00 am with an Aspirin tablet
stuck to my thumb ! This was another super-natural event (Tablet/God's
finger). No way could it have stayed there as I am always restless
(receiving-writing messages) or listening to previous sermons. I do NOT
care what unbelievers think. Father has made me ready." [6]

"I need your help asap, as my wife has decided to throw me into the
criminal elite's prison or hospital." [7]

"My wife took a copy of the email to our Doctors and other authorities
to get me out of our house. She says the Doctors will be writing to me
soon and that they want me to see a psychiatrist. I don't have a problem
with that but how can this be done transparently?. How can I be sure
that the brotherhood will not try to fabricate my demise?" [7]

"During another demonic attack (which I didn't fully understand), Satan
and his Tempted (SAHT) somehow managed to use my neighbour's stereo (in
their kitchen) to play two John Lennon songs. The first one was Happy
Christmas (War is over) and the second one was "Don't wanna be a soldier
mama, I don't wanna die"." [8]

"We went to the local Heat Spares for a washing machine valve. They
didn't have one (Heating parts only) but the guy recommended a local
Domestic Repairs shop. We tried it without success but this guy
recommended JEWSONS (Builders Merchants in Govan, Glasgow). As we drove
in, I received an intuitive - spiritual message as soon as I looked at
their big JEWSON's advertising board. I knew instantly it was about
Jesus and that the message was somehow connected to being Jewish… [8]
I said my prayers aloud, knowing that my smartphone is always listening
and recording via GCHQ (and NSA)." [8]

"Message to Icke, you appear to be a good man and have taught us much.
However, your God Program is wrong. Perhaps satan gave you that one? I
should also point out the obvious, the Moon was designed by God Jehovah,
as is all. Yes, David, you have been chosen and I hope you stay on the
right path. Money and fame can keep one in the devil's purse forever.
Stop those sociopath puppet masons from controlling your forum, it's
hard work for the good guys. Why are the puppets allowed to ban the good
guys without reason? I used to subscribe to you. The only communication
I got was my subscription is running out. I said I would renew if they
let me back on the forum to teach and never heard another word. What's
up Icke?" [8]

[1] http://www.masonicinfo.com/others_pg2.htm#Stirling
[2] http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?topic=38156.0
[4] https://banfreekmasons.wordpress.com/category/joe-stirling/
[6] http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?topic=231453.0
[7] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/uk.local.london/jmj3f0EVH0g
2015-07-09 07:41:03 UTC
Post by Brian Robertson 1961
"Convinced that the Masons are following him day and night, Joe shows
his level of maturity by referring to 'Freekmasons' and loves to be the
center of attention. He provides extensive information on how to foil
those who are following him and/or using a GPS system. From Glasgow,
Scotland, he's quite proud that he's 'making a difference' in the war
against Freemasonry. What? You've never heard of him? That's OK. We've
been tracking anti-Masons, including many 'bit-players' but he wasn't
even on our radar until he wrote to us begging to be noticed." [1]
"They have been controlling ALL of our communications, phone
calls/emails/ROYAL MAIL (totally infested with Masons) and that stops us
from progressing." [2]
"As you know, I have sent more than 30 serious articles to every MP and
newspapers in the UK" [3]
"First of all, write to your local lodge (via signed for letter), we
guarantee they will ignore you. Then do a Freedom of Information request
(via signed for letter). Then take your results to your Politician (ask
if he is a Mason). If you get nowhere, you now know for sure that
everything we say is true." [4]
"I have been persecuted, harmed, poisoned and attempted murder by my own
possessed family." [5]
"...I am not delusional, paranoid or suffer mental health." [5]
"Two years ago, I used to have a small caravan in my back garden to meet
with victims of the Pagan-Masons." [5]
"Message came to me on Sun eve (11th March 2012) that I was a "God" (I
rebuked this but was reassured about an hour later). Then, in the early
hours of Mon 12th, I awoke at approx. 4:00 am with an Aspirin tablet
stuck to my thumb ! This was another super-natural event (Tablet/God's
finger). No way could it have stayed there as I am always restless
(receiving-writing messages) or listening to previous sermons. I do NOT
care what unbelievers think. Father has made me ready." [6]
"I need your help asap, as my wife has decided to throw me into the
criminal elite's prison or hospital." [7]
"My wife took a copy of the email to our Doctors and other authorities
to get me out of our house. She says the Doctors will be writing to me
soon and that they want me to see a psychiatrist. I don't have a problem
with that but how can this be done transparently?. How can I be sure
that the brotherhood will not try to fabricate my demise?" [7]
"During another demonic attack (which I didn't fully understand), Satan
and his Tempted (SAHT) somehow managed to use my neighbour's stereo (in
their kitchen) to play two John Lennon songs. The first one was Happy
Christmas (War is over) and the second one was "Don't wanna be a soldier
mama, I don't wanna die"." [8]
"We went to the local Heat Spares for a washing machine valve. They
didn't have one (Heating parts only) but the guy recommended a local
Domestic Repairs shop. We tried it without success but this guy
recommended JEWSONS (Builders Merchants in Govan, Glasgow). As we drove
in, I received an intuitive - spiritual message as soon as I looked at
their big JEWSON's advertising board. I knew instantly it was about
Jesus and that the message was somehow connected to being Jewish... [8]
I said my prayers aloud, knowing that my smartphone is always listening
and recording via GCHQ (and NSA)." [8]
"Message to Icke, you appear to be a good man and have taught us much.
However, your God Program is wrong. Perhaps satan gave you that one? I
should also point out the obvious, the Moon was designed by God Jehovah,
as is all. Yes, David, you have been chosen and I hope you stay on the
right path. Money and fame can keep one in the devil's purse forever.
Stop those sociopath puppet masons from controlling your forum, it's
hard work for the good guys. Why are the puppets allowed to ban the good
guys without reason? I used to subscribe to you. The only communication
I got was my subscription is running out. I said I would renew if they
let me back on the forum to teach and never heard another word. What's
up Icke?" [8]
[1] http://www.masonicinfo.com/others_pg2.htm#Stirling
[2] http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?topic=38156.0
[4] https://banfreekmasons.wordpress.com/category/joe-stirling/
[6] http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?topic=231453.0
[7] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/uk.local.london/jmj3f0EVH0g
Reply from Joe. Thanks Brian the Poof Robertson aka coachandhorses the masonic pedo protector. He hates any truth about Christianity or the criminal masons. It gets paid masonic money to troll and discredit people who post the truth. It also cherry picks bits to suit the masonic agenda. This Brian Robertson1961 cannot read or understand anything other than what another masonic donkey told him in the lodge. If you do a search on him, you will find his love of the Nazi's, and him in forums searching for love in the lonely hearts, etc. There is not a nano-particle of good in masons like him, it just breathes evil, that's why it hides.....
2015-09-25 18:45:22 UTC
Dear Mr stirling it is me yet again I have read you are in a terrible way may the 2 js look after you that's Jehovah and Jesus,its the guy u shoved a camera in my face at least 3 times but I forgive you now freind I honestly hope pyciatry does not get a hold of you or they will completely destroy you more than the puppets can,I mean you no harm I have and am a victim 2 pychitry and the unfreemasons I also have a mountain of evidence of how the masonic pychciatry works,I have seen there dark masonic side of them I actually can write a book on them as you can see I no longer am sick like when youbmetvme for the first few times,but anyway the part here that opened my eyes here was when you said Jehovah made the moon I was so happy now that you are thinking of Jehovah's witnesses don't ever believe the rubbish that the stinking illumanatti says and Freemasons say that they founded the jws I have spoken 2 many jws and asksd who founded the jws Charles T russel mayvhe rip,and there was something else that founded them and sadly they get so much stick but they have always been right and youvwanna know something Mr stirling paradise is coming,and ivuse 2 pray 2 Jehovah sometimes it worked but you know I was so dwn in the dumps as usual and prayed again and within minutes I was on top of the world I felt amazing so i prayed near enough everyday and it worked the feelings lastcfor a good 1hourvof course we still have the puppets in our heads bit u cancwalk withvur chin up and smile feeling untouchable but I then stopped I also attended the jws halls I felt at my best knowing there's no puppets there taking pics of youvandclooking at me,butvi fell away bit Lucy and the unfreemasons got 2 me seriously I'm notvgoinbin2 that but it got very deep so they hate and I repeat they hate Jehovah god,I still think of the 2 js everyday but mybpsrsucutions are getting worse my shrink put me on heavy anti phcotics that has altered my once beautiful mind Mr stirling,so I better go now and hope your FAM are good I mean that tc..email me if you want to have a big dis stillvi do not know why you turned nasty on me:-(
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