2015-07-08 16:34:28 UTC
Wake up you fools
UK is a Masonic police state (save this post for they keep deleting this info). Forward this to those you love.
So you think we've got it wrong about the masonic police?..... http://www.intmensorg.info/masonicpolice.htm
UK is a Masonic police state: take the Hollie Greig Case, masonic child abuse, pedophile rings..... http://www.henrymakow.com/holly_greig_for_dummies.html
or go here..... http://holliegreig.info
Then go here for the latest news (july 2015) on the continuing Hollie Greig masonic establishment cover-up..... http://www.ukcolumn.org/article/police-scotland-collaborate-google-censor-hollie-greig-abuse
Search online "Our son was murdered by the criminal freemasons" by Joe Stirling or go to.....
I am told the queen of crooks and her masonic family attend Church every week. I can assure you this is just a front to con the gullible. You can read the Beautiful Bible and what it teaches about the rich people (give up your wealth). The Masonic Police and Crown Office are primarily there to protect the masonic queen of crooks..... http://www.intmensorg.info/hermajesty.htm
God's clock, tick tock. Scottish thunderstorms. Ruach (Hebrew for Spirit) tells me that all nations need rain. Rolling Stones (not petty masonic lyrics) Time is on my side. You know who I Am.....
UK is a Masonic police state (save this post for they keep deleting this info). Forward this to those you love.
So you think we've got it wrong about the masonic police?..... http://www.intmensorg.info/masonicpolice.htm
UK is a Masonic police state: take the Hollie Greig Case, masonic child abuse, pedophile rings..... http://www.henrymakow.com/holly_greig_for_dummies.html
or go here..... http://holliegreig.info
Then go here for the latest news (july 2015) on the continuing Hollie Greig masonic establishment cover-up..... http://www.ukcolumn.org/article/police-scotland-collaborate-google-censor-hollie-greig-abuse
Search online "Our son was murdered by the criminal freemasons" by Joe Stirling or go to.....
I am told the queen of crooks and her masonic family attend Church every week. I can assure you this is just a front to con the gullible. You can read the Beautiful Bible and what it teaches about the rich people (give up your wealth). The Masonic Police and Crown Office are primarily there to protect the masonic queen of crooks..... http://www.intmensorg.info/hermajesty.htm
God's clock, tick tock. Scottish thunderstorms. Ruach (Hebrew for Spirit) tells me that all nations need rain. Rolling Stones (not petty masonic lyrics) Time is on my side. You know who I Am.....